It’s Christmas time!
It’s that exciting time of the year again and we want to start by thanking everyone that has helped make 2019 a success.
Christmas is a time for us to pause and reflect on the things we value. Over the years we’ve built strong working relations with our customers and suppliers, for that we are truly grateful.
On behalf of the team at Zenos Technology, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
No Christmas cards or hampers?
This Christmas, instead of gifting hampers and sending cards, we’ve decided to make better use of that budget and provide a donation to charity.
Christmas can be a lonely time for many older people and the charity SCCCC makes a difference through their Good Neighbour Scheme.
A special thanks to our customers
Without our customers, this donation wouldn’t be possible. On behalf of Zenos Technology, SCCCC and especially from those who this will benefit, Thank You!
Established over 52 years ago, SCCCC now has a number of schemes to support older people in Sheffield.
The Good Neighbour Scheme sees over 100 volunteers visiting 109 older people in their own homes who have no family or that live away.
Tackling loneliness at Christmas
Tackling loneliness not only alleviates the suffering & improves the quality of life of individuals, but it also brings wider benefits to local communities. For example, tackling loneliness can reduce the demand for costly healthcare and help these people to reconnect with their communities
The Good Neighbour Scheme helps combat loneliness by providing amazing volunteers who spend an hour having a cuppa & a chat with a lonely older person in their community.
Our donation will help SCCCC continue their amazing work.
Can you provide any further help?
Any further donations would be massively appreciated.